Six Days Page 48
Oren, Yuri
Orr, Ori
Oweida, Sami
Oz, Amos
Paikes, Lt. Col. Michael
Painter, Lt. Lloyd
Palestine Archeological Museum
Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
see also occupied territories
Palmach (Israeli force)
Parsons, Anthony
Pearson, Lester
Pekker, Maj. Ran
Peled, Brig. Gen. Elad
Peled, Brig. Gen. Matityahu
Peres, Shimon
poison gas
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Porat, Hanan
prisoners, treatment of
Pullar, Hugh
Qadi, Lt. Gen. Anwar al-
Qaher Plan
Qalqilya (West Bank)
Rabin, Yitzhak
in 1948:
in 1960s:
and Samua raid
and preparations for war
nervous collapse before war
Chief of Staff during war
assassinated (1995)
Rafael, Gideon
Rafah (Gaza)
Raheb, Badial and Bishara
Ramallah (West Bank)
Ramat David airfield (Israel)
Ramle (Israel)
Red Cross and Red Crescent
Reddaway, Norman
Reight, Greg
Reshetnikov, Gen. Vassily
Riad, Gen. Mahmoud
Rifai, Zaid
Rikhye, Gen. Indar Jit
Rishmawi, George
Ronen, Yossi
Rostow, Walt
Rothschild family
Rouleau, Eric
Rowan-Hamilton, Col. D.A.
Rubinger, David
Rufa, Captain Munir
Rusk, Dean
Sa’ad, Um
Saad, Yahya
Saadeddin, Rashidah Raghib
Sabri, Hassan
Sadat, Anwar El
Saddam Hussein
Said, Ahmed
Salayta, Capt. Sulamin
Salim, Captain Salahadeen
Samua (West Bank)
Sanaa (Yemen)
Sara El-Khadem, Temple of
Saragota, USS
Saudi Arabia
Saunders, Harold
Save the Children
Sayyed, Abd el-Latif
Schindler (hero)
Schliefer, Abdullah
Scholem, Gershom
Schwartz, Yoseph
Semyenov, Vladimir
Shafei, Hussein al
Shahar, Meir and Jonathan
Shaheen, Kamel Sulaiman
Sha’ir, Maj. Gen. Fahd al-
Shapira, Haim
Shapiro, Ya’acov Shimshon
Sharaf, Abd al-Hamid
Sharaf, Leila
Sharaf, Sami
Sharkaway, Brig. Gen. Ibrahim
Sharm al Sheikh (Egypt)
Sharon, Ariel
in 1948:
in 1950s:
confidence before war
commands brigade in Sinai
Prime Minister (2001)
provocative visit to Dome of the Rock
Shazli, Maj. Gen. Saad el
Shear Yusuv (Israel)
Shevchenko, Arkady
Shukairy, Ahmed
Shurdom, Ihsan
Sidqi Mahmoud, Lt. Gen.
Simpson, Colin
Smythe, Hugh
Sqoufiye (Syria)
suicide bombers
Sunday Times
Suf refugee camp
Sunni Muslims
Suwaydani, Gen. Ahmad
pact with Egypt
pre-war conflict with Israel
conflict with Jordan
first four days of war
accepts UN ceasefire
mob attacks US consulate
Israel debates attack on
Day Five
Day Six
post war incidents
occupation of Golan
Taba’ki, Rasmiyyah Ali
Tabor, Hans
Tal, Brig. Gen. Israel
Tarasenko, Sergei
Tawalbi, Kamal
Tawil, Raymonda Hawa
Tel Aviv (Israel)
Tel Dan (Israel/Syria border)
Tel Fahr (Israel/Syria border)
Tel Nof airfield (Israel)
terrorism see suicide bombers; violence
Thant, U
Thompson, Llewellyn
Tiran, Straits of
Tleel, John
Toukan, Ahmed
Tulkarem (West Bank)
Um Katef (Sinai)
United Nations
condemns Samua raid
Jerusalem HQ seized
and outbreak of war
resolution for ceasefire
emergency session after war
resolution to restore occupied territory
UNEF (Emergency Force)
UNRWA (Relief and Works Agency)
UNTSO (Truce Supervision Organization)
United Press International
supports Egypt (1956)
supports Jordan after Samua raid
USSR makes trouble for
and blockade of Straits of Tiran
reports on Israel’s strength
tries to prevent war passim
sends arms to Israel
and Vietnam
misinformation from Egypt
and outbreak of war
misinformation from Israel
talks to USSR
announces neutrality
calls for ceasefire and withdrawal
pleased with Israel’s success
and ‘the big lie’
Jordan appeals to
considers post-war options
demonstrations against
bombing of USS Liberty
Jordan maintains relations with
USSR threatens to intervene
accepts unconditional ceasefire
and UN peace plan
and occupied territories
and refugees
see also CIA
supports Egypt (1956)
warnings to Egypt (1967)
and start of war
criticised by Egypt
and ceasefire negotiations
meeting between Amer and Tarasenko
and Hungarian uprising
threatens Israel
advisers in Syrian army
Vietnam war
see also suicide bombers
Voice of the Arabs radio
Voice of Palestine radio
Wadi Dhuleil refugee camp
War of Independence (1948)
Washington Post
Wazir, Khalil al-(Abu Jihad)
Weiner, Arie
Weizman, Gen. Ezer
in 1948:
and taking of Old City
views on war
West Bank
20th-21st century
raid on Samua
last battles and defeat
continuing occupation
see also Bethlehem; Imwas; Jenin; Jericho; Latrun; Qalqiliya; refugees
Weston-Simons, Col. J.F.
Wiesel, Elie
Wheeler, Gen. Earle
Wilson, Harold
Wingate, Orde
Wolfers, Michael
Yahya, Taher
Yalu (West Bank)
Yam, Sgt. Dov
Yamani, Sgt. Ahmed al-
Yariv, Brig-Gen. Aharon
Yerushalami, Col. Yeshayahu
Yitzhaki, Aryeh
Yoffe, Brig. Gen. Avraham
Yost, Charles
Yotvat, Ava
Yotvat, Col.
Zacharia, Farah and Raja
Zahran, Maa’rouf
Zaid, Zchiya
Zaki, Tahsen
Zerka refugee camp
Zion, Meir Har
Zur, Sgt. Bentzi
An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
SIX DAYS. Copyright © 2003 by Jeremy Bowen. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
ISBN 0-312-33864-3
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd
eISBN 9781466859470
First eBook edition: November 2013